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New Year's Message 2025

Writer's picture: Georgia VlahosGeorgia Vlahos

Happy New Year! We are sliding into 2025 as I write this (12/31/24) and I have some things on my mind I would like to share.

My first message is one of Unity. We must unite as a species. “They”, who ever they are, have been keeping us divided for thousands of years. Why? Because there is power in Unity. We are much easier to control if we are killing each other.

Today, the US is deeply divided. I personally think that both sides are to blame. One side overtly foments hatred and racism, while the other side covertly perpetrates it by constantly labeling and separating people based on race, status, religion, etc. Neither is promoting UNITY.

The truth is, WE ARE ONE. One people, with little differences really. It is easy to divide us through religion, politics, race, sexuality, health, etc. Most people worship a god but fight about what to call him, or her for that matter. Greed separates us and holds many down in poverty. In poverty, we cannot oppose or preach anything because we are too busy trying to find out next meal. Raising our children. Working 50+ hour weeks. We are being held down. We are kept in the dark about our true power and divinity. For we are all connected and connected to divine through the Great Grid of Life which covers this planet and the rest of the Universe.

Wars don’t end because they are profitable to the greedy. It’s no matter to them when someone dies in war. Everyone is someone’s child, father, mother, brother, sister. Nearly every death will result in never ending grief. We could stop war today if we wanted, but we (as a country) don’t because the truth is, it’s profitable and politically expedient.

Another topic that is on my mind is that of the drones that are being seen everywhere. I’ve watched many videos and seen many different opinions on who, what where and why, but nothing definitive. Our government remains closed lipped about it. The government, in any event, has long lost its credibility. We are basically on our own, and will be called upon to make our final choices as to which direction the planet will go.

All I know is for many years I have had a recurring dream about this very thing. So I conclude that something major is about to happen. Some say that it’s foreshadowing alien disclosure. I don’t think so because I think most of us already believe that we are not alone in this universe and even Congress has finally begun to look into the matter. So I think that disclosure is already happening. I can’t say that I know WHAT exactly is happening but I believe it’s a time of reckoning. A time when humanity will hit a crossroad. One road leads to war and annihilation , and the other to peace and prosperity for the rest of time. And I think by now you know which is which.

So, I think to myself, what actually can I do about this? My days of physical protest are over. I’m older now, not up to it. I can write my blogs and hope someone reads them, which I do.

But the biggest thing I can do is heal myself and help to heal others. That’s what I’m trained to do and I believe that each person that truly heals will finally recognize that WE ARE ALL ONE, deeply connected, and what is done to one of us affects the whole of us. And the planet. Native people know this but the rest of the world is bathed in darkness.

So, what can you do? Here are some possibilities (and would make a good New Year’s resolution by the way).

  1. Actively heal yourself. Take the online classes, learn Reiki, balance your Chakras, do a past life regression if needed. Sign up for therapy. Get your body healed. Be your best self.

  2. When you get healed enough (and we are never fully healed, believe me) heal others. Share your gifts such as Reiki, psychic abilities, mediumship, whatever your particular gift is. No gift is too small. The world needs it.

  3. Actively join groups to share knowledge, receive knowledge and connect with like minded people. This could be online or in person. I personally run several groups on Facebook, and one in person group in Foley, AL, and if you are interested, let me know.

  4. Join or create a spiritual community. This is spiritual, not religious, as religion tends to try to control people. I have come across many people over the years who have all gotten the message to create a spiritual community, retreat center, or whatever. This is deeply needed right now in order to exchange knowledge or provide support for one another. I feel we will truly need this in 2025.

  5. Keep out of politics. Do not buy into the negativity and fear mongering. Politics are designed to divide us.

  6. Meditate, balance your chakras, pray, do mantra meditation on a daily basis. This will raise your vibration and make you more immune to the negative energies that surround us.

  7. Meditate to experience Oneness. I remember when I first experienced this many years ago. I was sitting on a tree stump in my Medicine Wheel, meditating. I looked down and saw a “roly polie bug” (Armadillidium vulgare). This are very primitive bugs that help to distribute nutrients and remove toxins from the earth. At once, I realized that he and I were one and equally important to the planet (perhaps him more to be honest) and it was so profound, I almost fell off my tree stump! It’s hard to explain the feeling but I wish everyone could experience it, then we wouldn’t hate, judge and hurt our fellow living beings.

  8. Realize that the time for burying our heads in the sand is over. You must choose your road. It’s at a critical tipping point RIGHT NOW.

  9. It’s a time to tie up loose ends. 2024 was a 8 year numerologically speaking and 2025 is a 9 year, tying up loose ends in preparation for a new beginning, one way or another, in 2026, which is a 1 year. The number 1 is a new beginning.

  10. Pray for Mother Gaia. Do your best to not pollute or desecrate Her. Honor all life on earth.

  11. Try to connect with other life forms such as trees, birds, animals, oceans…it’s not as hard as it may seem.

I wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true.

Bright Blessings, Georgia

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